Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mold Inspection

A mold is a hollowed-out block that is filled with a liquid like plastic, glass, metal, or ceramic raw materials. It is one type of fungus, is different from bacteria,plants and animals. Molds are eukaryotic micro-organisms that are decomposers of dead organic material such as wood,leaves and plants. The spores and hair-like bodies of individual mold colonies are too small for us to see without a microscope. When a lot of mold is growing on a surface, it often appears green,blue and black. The color of the mold is determined by the type and is influenced by the nutrient source, surface substrate and the age of the colony. Molds are found in virtually every environment and can be detected, both outdoors and indoors, year round. Mold growth is encouraged by warm and humid conditions. Outdoors they can be found in shady, damp areas or places where leaves or other vegetation is decomposing. Indoors they can be found where humidity levels are high, such as basements or showers.

Molds also growth from leaks can often be hidden. If the leak was behind a wall or other surface then any mold will probably be hidden behind the surface too. Even if the leak was not behind a surface there could still be mold hidden out of view behind a wall or other surface from water which seeped through.

If you happened to noticed that leaky pipe it means that you have a mold problem in your home then you should hire a certified mold inspector. A Certified Mold Inspection Los Angeles, where they offer some of the lowest prices and the most reliable inspections.

Mold needs water to grow and without water mold cannot grow. Mold also needs a food source, oxygen and a temperature between 40 degrees and 100 degrees F. Since mold decomposes dead organic material (cellulose, hemi-cellulose and lignin) it can grow on wood, paper (such as on gypsum board drywall) and other materials made from wood. Molds secrete digestive fluids that decompose the substrate, making nutrients available. Mold can also digest some synthetic materials such as adhesives, pastes and paints. While mold cannot get nutrients from inorganic material such as concrete, plastic, glass and metal, it can grow on the organic dirt/dust layer present on these surfaces. Molds prefer damp or wet material. Some molds can get moisture from the air when the air is very damp, that is when the relative humidity is typically above 60%. The high humidity makes enough moisture available to make surfaces damp enough for mold to grow. Certified Mold Inspection Los Angeles